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Dr. Britta Memmesheimer DACM, L.Ac

Dr. Britta Memmesheimer DACM, L.Ac


Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine


Licensed Acupuncturist

Dr. Britta Acupuncturist

Focus: Pain, Motor Points/Electro-acupuncture, Neuromuscular Conditions of the Face,
Facial Rejuvenation, Fertility, Mental Health

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Dr. Britta graduated from Daoist Traditions with a Doctor of Acupuncture degree in 2022. Since then she has been growing her clinical experience in a variety of areas with a focus on pain, fertility, mental health, and facial acupuncture.

Dr. Britta has worked in a variety of settings including a high-volume clinic specializing in orthopedics and fertility, alongside mental healthcare providers, and with both Classical Chinese Medicine and Five Element practitioners. Recently, she has completed her Advanced Certification Program of Facial Acupuncture and has been enjoying exploring both the cosmetic and neurological applications.

Dr. Britta loves celebrating milestones, both large and small, alongside her patients. What she loves about acupuncture, is the acknowledgment that wellness is a unique state and unique process for each individual. Approaching care from this angle continues to empower patients to take an active role in their own healing which results in profound and long-lasting results.

Outside of acupuncture, Dr. Britta can be found frequenting yoga classes, out on her
paddleboard or hiking with her pup, Basil.




  • Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

  • Licensed Acupuncturist

  • Chinese and Western Herbalist

  • Advanced Practitioner of Facial Acupuncture

  • Certified Practitioner of EXSTORE/MOTOR POINT orthopedic acupuncture

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